Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What is truth?

The truth is very basic.
The truth is this:
We were created in the image of God.
Our original state and our original purpose was to be like God.
We were to be creative, compassionate, obedient and resolute because God is.
Man, unlike other creatures, was given a free will to choose his operation.
Mankind chose to abandon the Godlike attributes he possessed and pursue those operations that would satisfy his earthly nature.
Since the beginning of time, however successful or unsuccessful, God has been trying to restore mankind  from his earthly qualities, back to his original qualities.   
Those earthly qualities of mankind; insecurity, destructiveness, hatred and
selfishness have lead mankind to immense devastation throughout history.
They are also at the heart of the founding father’s expectations of the people
incorporated by the constitution of the United States . Our forefathers knew the nature of man. They new the nature of tyrannical leaders, as well as the nature of the mob. The Constitution is a blueprint for a society where man’s nature is kept in check for both the governed as well as the governors.  There will never be a perfect society, because we are not perfect people. However, the United States constitution represents the closest thing to a perfect society that we will ever know.

When we see that society start to crumble around us, we begin to look for the enemies that must be behind its demise. Throughout  the 20th century that perceived enemy took on many forms. Alcohol, Greed, Communism,  Humanism, and Secularism. All of these institutions have been blamed for the ills of the country at one time of another. In reality, all of these social practices or institutions are merely a reflection of the nature of man. Communism (State totalitarianism), for example, is merely another method by which the few want to control the many.  Greed is the gratification of personal desires regardless of its effects on the community. Each of these institutions are merely man acting out his unchecked passions to their fullest extent. The constitution represents a treaty by which the signing parties agree not to allow each other to overstep the understood boundaries which lead to the destruction of the society.

It is obvious that both the governed and those that govern have slipped into a quagmire of destructive behavior. We need to pull ourselves out, with God’s help. We need to rebuild the nation that was our forefather’s dream.

This blog will attempt to do three things.
1. Present current political debate in the light of biblical relevence.
2. Present current social trends in the light of biblical relevance.
3. Suggest practices which will contribute to realigning society and government with the original intent of the founding fathers for the United Sates.  


  1. I enjoy seeing this side of you, Hart. I know these topics are deep in your heart, and you have a strong ability to articulate your ideas in clear, logical, and compelling ways. Write on...
